Ohio Road Trips: Some of The Buckeye States Best Biking Trails

Ohio, also known as the Buckeye State, offers countless scenic routes, making it a perfect destination for weekend road trips. At Insuran LLC of Central Ohio, we’re committed to ensuring that your vehicle is adequately insured for every mile traveled.

For those who enjoy being on the road, consider exploring some of the many rail-to-trails bike and hiking paths scattered across Ohio. Below, we’ve highlighted a few of the most captivating trails.

Mt. Vernon

This remarkable trail weaves through the picturesque countryside of Knox County, commencing from Mt. Vernon, passing through Gambier, encompassing the Kenyon College campus, and stretching up to Danville. Along the route, you’ll encounter various wildlife, such as chipmunks, squirrels, and possibly even an eagle. Enjoy diverse scenery, from river views and rolling farmland to a vintage train.


This charming town in Southwest Ohio hosts a section of the Little Miami Bike Trail. From here, you can venture south towards the Ohio River or head north as far as your legs will allow. This picturesque trail runs along the Miami River, offering views of kayakers and fishermen. A largely shaded trail, it’s perfect for summer outings or for enjoying the vibrant fall colors.


Spanning from Mansfield through Lexington and into Bellevue and Butler, this trail offers a bit of everything. It starts with more urban settings in Mansfield and progresses to small-town Lexington. Enjoy the curving path under Route 42 in Lexington, and a journey under Interstate 71. The landscape flourishes with densely wooded areas and open farmland, where you may even spot a deer or two.

Get a Price Quote Today

Load up your bike, rent one, or slip on your walking shoes to explore these captivating trails for a memorable day out. In the meantime, we invite you to get a car insurance quote from Central Ohio’s Insuran LLC. We’re here to help you find an insurance solution that best suits your budget.

We look forward to serving you.

How Can I Get Business Interruption Insurance?

Businesses require the right conditions to operate effectively. When a disaster strikes your business space, conducting normal work and servicing customers may become nearly impossible. This is when business interruption insurance proves vital. The professionals at Insuran LLC, servicing Central Ohio, can assist. We offer business interruption insurance to aid businesses during the recovery following a covered event.

What Is Business Interruption Insurance?

Business interruption insurance is a policy that can help replace income following a covered loss. For instance, if a fire damages your building and your business has to shut down for repairs, business interruption insurance can help substitute the lost income during the renovations.

Who Needs Business Interruption Insurance?

Most businesses can benefit from business interruption insurance. Suppose you can envisage a scenario wherein your business could be shut down for a while due to a loss of workspace or other covered event. In that case, you might benefit from business interruption insurance. Your insurance agent can advise on whether business interruption insurance might benefit you and, if so, how much coverage you need.

How Can I Get Business Interruption Insurance?

To secure business interruption insurance, talk with your insurance agent. It might already be incorporated into your commercial insurance package. If not, your insurance agent can converse about how much coverage is necessary. If you don’t yet have an insurance agent, opt for an agent that provides prompt, accurate answers to your questions and encompasses good customer service.

At Insuran LLC, servicing Central Ohio, we help our customers find the perfect type of commercial insurance to satisfy their needs. If you believe your business could benefit from commercial insurance, contact us, and we can assist you.

How to Adjust Home Insurance Coverage After Home Renovations

Home renovations can greatly enhance your quality of life and comfort. Additionally, the right renovations can significantly increase your property’s market value. If you’re a homeowner in Central Ohio planning some renovations, it’s prudent to carefully select improvements and ensure that you update your home insurance policy once the work is finished.

Reasons to Update Home Insurance Coverage After Renovations

As renovations directly impact your property’s market value, updating your policy’s coverage limits is essential. This ensures you’ll receive enough compensation to rebuild your home thoroughly, should the need arise.

Most home insurance policies do not cover additional structures on your premises. Therefore, if you build a pool, add a fence, construct a gazebo, erect a detached garage, etc., you should update your policy accordingly. Also, if a pool is added, you’ll want to increase your liability coverage, as a pool can increase the probability of an accident on your property.

Policy Updating Process

Retain all paperwork related to your home renovation work. Your insurer will want to see contractor receipts as well as evidence of the work done on your home. It’s worth noting that your insurer may request a new appraisal of your home to assess its value accurately.

Home Insurance from Insuran LLC

Anytime you review your home insurance policy, it’s also a good opportunity to reconsider your coverage to ensure that you’re getting the best deal. If you’re interested in exploring your options, Insuran LLC offers homeowners in Central Ohio a variety of policies and excellent deals. Contact us to learn how we can assist you in finding the ideal policy for your unique circumstances.

Does my auto insurance cover business travel?

Insuran LLC offers a range of auto insurance products to Central Ohio residents, and we want to help you choose the best one for your needs. The right insurance policy can provide coverage for your typical driving situation.

Personal Auto Insurance

An auto insurance policy provides coverage for pleasure driving. If an individual occasionally uses their vehicle for business – for instance, driving to an out-of-town conference, their policy typically covers this. A personal auto insurance policy will cover an individual as long as their everyday driving consists of commuting to and from work, running errands, and driving for personal reasons.

When You Need Commercial Auto Insurance

Those who use their vehicle daily for business purposes, outside of their regular commute, should consider purchasing commercial auto insurance. Personal auto policies typically do not cover commercial activities such as cake deliveries or dry cleaning pickup. Using a vehicle for business purposes under a personal auto insurance policy can be risky – if an accident occurs, you may find that your insurance does not provide coverage.

How Your Insurance Agent Can Help

Our Insuran LLC insurance agents are here to help you decide which auto insurance coverage is right for you. If your driving needs have changed, we invite you to request an insurance review. Our agents will guide you through a series of questions to determine which options provide the best protection for you. We then provide a quote for coverage. Please note that your current insurance will remain in effect throughout this process, ensuring continuous coverage for the personal use of your vehicle.

Depending on your needs, you may require both personal and commercial auto insurance policies to be fully covered while driving in Central Ohio and beyond. We will do our best to help you maintain a policy with an affordable premium while ensuring you’re fully covered. Contact us today for more information.

Three Things You Didn’t Know Your Home Insurance Can Cover in Central Ohio

Home insurance in Central Ohio can do much more than many think. At Insuran LLC, we offer several home insurance options and want homeowners to understand their policies can handle many use cases. Here are a few things home insurance can offer that can sometimes go overlooked.

1. Different Types of Liability

Liability protection doesn’t just help when someone suffers an injury on your property; it can cover several incidents, some of which you may never have considered. Policies differ and depend on your options, but liability coverage can often kick in for things like accidental damage caused by you to someone else’s property. Liability can cover many situations, so look at your policy to see what it offers beyond the basic injury coverage.

2. Coverage Beyond Just the Structure

Your home insurance isn’t just protection for structural damage. Part of what makes a house a home comes from collecting personal belongings in and around the structure. Home insurance can offer a safeguard for all your personal belongings, no matter what they are. Some policies also protect personal belongings, no matter their location.

3. Loss of Access and Use

Your policy may offer you protection from loss of use. If, for some reason, your home becomes uninhabitable because of something your policy covers, you may receive living expenses from your insurer while you wait for repairs. Coverage will depend on the details of your home insurance policy, but it is a type of coverage that’s widely available.

There are other and sometimes even surprising types of coverage available. If you speak with your insurer, you may have access to numerous options you weren’t previously aware of. Insuran LLC offers a variety of home insurance options for homeowners in Central Ohio. Contact us today to learn more about what your home insurance can cover.

The Best Time for an Auto Insurance Update

At Insuran LLC, we know the importance of having good auto insurance. If you’re in the Central Ohio area and looking for a quality policy from trusted agents, you’ve come to the right place. We can also help you update your insurance because it’s a good idea to make sure your policy is the right one as your needs change. If you haven’t updated anything for a while or had a policy review, the best time is now.

Ideally, you should update or at least review your vehicle policy every year. You can do that by working with your agent to get quotes from multiple companies so you can choose the one that’s right for your current situation. That might be the one you already have, but sometimes it’s a different policy from another insurer. Your agent can help you shop around based on any factors that are important to you so that you can get quality coverage you feel good about.

Another important time to update your car’s insurance is when you make a change to your vehicle or household. If you trade your car in or buy another one, or you have a child who’s now old enough to start driving, you need to make sure your policy is updated. Our agents can help you make that change to your policy, giving you a more accurate quote and helping ensure that your vehicle and family are protected.

Contact us today if you’re in the Central Ohio area and need to update your auto insurance. At Insuran LLC, we understand how valuable the right coverage can be, and our agents are dedicated to working with you to get the protection and peace of mind you’re looking for.

Essential Home Insurance Tips for Central Ohio Residents

Insuran LLC knows how important home insurance is for a Central Ohio resident. We pride ourselves on providing our clientele with all of the information that they need most when it comes to decisions of this magnitude. Those who take the time to check out this guide are able to steer clear of the problems that tend to arise for Central Ohio homeowners.

Here is everything you need to know:

Taking Necessary Precautions

While many Central Ohio homeowners will view their insurance policy as the main precaution that they need to take, there are additional steps that can also be taken. For example, you may be able to find a more helpful policy if you are willing to install smoke detectors or shutters that are specifically designed to withstand the elements. Find out more about the precautions that are within your power to take before choosing a policy.


These policies are not a one-size-fits-all proposition. There are hazards and concerns that are specific to each homeowner, and they must be addressed as thoroughly as possible. You will need to discuss the potential issues that are most common in your particular region, so that your policy provides all of the necessary assistance.

Account for Everything

Nothing can be left to chance in these instances. A Central Ohio homeowner must be sure that they are accounting for everything. The potential costs of repairing and rebuilding the home will need to be accounted for. The same goes for your most prized possessions. You’ll also want to make sure that you are protected in case injuries take place on your property.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Do you have any additional thoughts or questions when it comes to home insurance in the Central Ohio region? If so, be sure to give Insuran LLC a call as soon as possible so that our team of professionals can point you in the right direction.

Insurance Tips for Car Buyers

In Central Ohio, car lots are everywhere, giving car buyers thousands of cars to choose from.  A new car or a "new to you" previously owned car is exciting. Some buyers may be first-time drivers, while others have been driving for a while. Either way, you’ve probably spent a significant amount of time deciding which car to buy. But what about car insurance? It can be confusing when purchasing a policy for your new car. However, by following a few tips for car buyers, you can choose your insurance, required by law in Central Ohio, with confidence.

Insurance Tips for Car Buyers

Buy Insurance First

Buying the car first and then buying insurance is frequently a mistake. Some dealers won’t cover the new car once it is purchased and driven off the lot. You may have insurance on a prior car, but don’t assume it covers the new car. Purchasing the car first can result in having a policy that doesn’t cover the new car completely. Then you may have to buy more insurance than planned, causing problems making the car payment.

Understanding Limited Liability

Ohio is a limited liability state. That is, your car insurance will have to meet Ohio laws regarding how much liability you are responsible for. It limits this amount to a lower basic amount covering what will be paid out in an accident. If damage is more than that limited amount included by law, you will have to cover it yourself. Auto insurance agents can suggest options for further liability coverage.

Add the Policy Yourself         

Car dealers rarely add your insurance. So always check and add your policy yourself to avoid driving illegally.

Insuran LLC can answer any questions you have about new car insurance. Call us today!

3 Things to Do When Starting a New Business

Starting a new business is an exciting venture, filled with potential and promise. As you plan your business, it’s crucial to focus on the practical steps that lay the foundation for success.

Here are three actions to take if you’re forming a new business in Central Ohio:

1. Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan

Your business plan is a document that serves as the roadmap for your business. It outlines your business goals, strategies, target market, financial projections, and how you plan to achieve your objectives. This document is not just for your reference; it’s a vital tool for communicating your vision to potential investors, partners, and financial institutions. 

A well-thought-out business plan can make the difference between success and failure, as it forces you to think through the practicalities of your business and anticipate potential challenges.

2. Secure the Necessary Funding

Starting a business often requires capital. Whether it’s for purchasing inventory, leasing a space, hiring staff, or marketing your product or service, you’ll likely need at least some funds to get started. You might draw on funding sources such as personal savings, loans, grants, and crowdfunding.

Of course, keeping startup costs as low as possible reduces how much funding you have to secure.

3. Get Appropriate Business Insurance

Don’t forget about insurance, which entrepreneurs sometimes accidentally overlook. Commercial insurance protects you from unforeseen risks that could otherwise be catastrophic to your business. 

Commercial insurance coverages can include everything from basic accidents to expensive assets. At Insuran LLC, our agents can help you find the coverages that make sense for your business.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Don’t leave your business unnecessarily exposed to risks that could be devastating. If you’re starting a business in Central Ohio, contact us at Insuran LLC today. We’ll help you make sure your business is well protected.

Avoid Financial Devastation With Home Insurance

A home is an enormous investment. It’s often the most valuable thing that people own, and it’s their largest investment. If something serious happens to the home, it can financially devastate anyone who doesn’t have home insurance. It’s essential to have this insurance in place starting the day you buy the home. When you need home insurance in Central Ohio, call us at Insuran LLC to get the coverage you need. 

House Coverage

When someone serious happens to your house such as a disaster or a damaging accident, the price of repairs can be extreme. It can cost tens of thousands or more for the repair bills. To cover yourself against having to pay for these repairs, you need to have home insurance. These policies are essential to have for your financial protection after the worst happens. A huge repair bill and no insurance could mean having a home that’s uninhabitable because you aren’t able to get the repairs you need. 

Possessions Coverage

Another large investment that you have is in your possessions. If a damaging incident occurred and your belongings were destroyed or seriously damaged, your home policy could pay to have them replaced. This is important coverage because of the many things that can happen to a home and the belongings inside it. If a room was damaged in a covered incident, for example, the items in the room that were destroyed because of that damage could be covered by the policy. This can save you an enormous amount on replacements that you need after a serious event occurs. 

Get Your Home Insurance Policy

When you’re buying a house, you will need a home insurance policy to cover both it and you. To get your policy in Central Ohio, call us at Insuran LLC to find out more.